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Bill Maher Returns To ‘Anora’ Topic And Has Things To Say About The Phrase “Sex Worker Community”

Bill Maher returned to the topic of the Best Picture Oscar winner Anora on Friday's Real Time With Bill Maher.

This week on his HBO show, Maher held up Anora in a “New Rules” segment about “whores having a moment,” questioning when the term “sex worker community” became the norm, playing clips of both Mikey Madison and Baker thanking the group during their Oscar acceptance speeches. Comparing the phrase to when the term “homeless” became “unhoused” and “illegal alien” became “undocumented migrant,” Maher said argued that the repositioning can be looked at as a detriment. “You can get so caught up in the virtue signaling that you actually do harm to the cause, and using ‘sex worker’ makes it sound too benign, like it’s a temp job at a call center being done by a woman in a cubicle with a cactus on her desk,” he said.

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