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Bill Maher Couldn’t Get Josh Shapiro To Admit He’s Running For President, But PA Governor Sure Tested Out Some Stump Speech Lines On ‘Real Time’
After a week of political brinksmanship, the Pennsylvania governor weaved around admitting to HBO's Bill Maher host that he is running for POTUS in 2028
After a week of even greater political brinksmanship at home and abroad from Donald Trump, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro tonight weaved around admitting to HBO ‘s Bill Maher host if he is running for POTUS in 2028. “I would have liked to see when Chuck Schumer had leverage here to say we need A, B, C and D for the Democratic Party, and force the Republicans to meet him halfway on those issues and deliver something for the folks who are worried now,” Shapiro told Maher of some realpolitik the Senate Minority Leader could have demanded from the GOP in exchange for relinquishing its filibuster power. Along with the sit-down interview with potential 2024 VP pick and the very likely 2028 contender Shapiro, tonight’s Real Time also featured The Bulwark managing editor and MSNBC pundit Sam Stein, and self-described “MAGA leftist” Batya Ungar-Sargon, author of ‘Second Class: How the Elites Betrayed America’s Working Men and Women.’
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