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Beauty fans are 'slugging' in this cult £11 balm to clear congestion on their nose

Slugging has been trending on TikTok for a few years now but it's doing the rounds again, using La Roche-Posay's Cicaplast Balm B5 in a surprising way. Here's how...

Sebaceous filaments are often mistaken for blackheads (Image: Getty) Containing 5% panthenol, La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Balm B5 has long been a skincare saviour for irritated, dry or stressed skin. Its thick, emollient formula quickly soothes and deeply moisturises unhappy skin – and it's this moisture-locking benefit that has had TikTokers applying it to their nose to get rid of visible sebaceous filaments. In a video that's amassed over 76k likes, TikTok user Natalie O'Neill demonstrates how she does 'the Cicaplast sebaceous filaments hack' by applying a tiny amount – just enough for a thin coating – over the end and sides of her nose, stressing that the trick is to not use too much, which could cause breakouts.

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