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American Horror Story: Delicate Recap: Brooklyn Witches

Oh, a millennia-old conspiracy to birth the Antichrist? Why yes, I’ve heard that one before.

An eclipse, a new American Horror Story: Delicate recapper, a trip back to Brooklyn in the blog-rock era: Great changes are afoot in AHS land — if not on the show itself. Anyway, it seems that Dex’s brain wipe took much better than Virginia’s, as hearing his mother’s allegations in previous episodes didn’t shake loose any memories of what he very clearly witnesses in “Ave Hestia.” (To be fair, no one wants to remember seeing their dad in a bondage harness, thrusting away.) They’ve been chic for millennia, as we learn in the cold open to “Ave Hestia,” where Ivy (or whatever her name is in “Western Europe, 42 A.D.”) gives herself a double Cesarean section on a pile of hay and somehow manages not to pass out in the process.

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