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After Launch of ‘Echo’, Marvel Restarts Production on ‘Daredevil: Born Again’

The studio hopes to keep the momentum going as it seeks to keep the focus on its street-fighting heroes

Coming off the strong opening of Echo, its crime series centered on Indigenous and deaf anti-heroine Maya Lopez, Marvel next turns its attention to Daredevil: Born Again, which restarts production Monday after a lengthy hiatus. His hiring is the latest example of the retooling Born Again underwent as it was changed from a legal procedural to something that aims to harken back to the gritty and violent tone of that first well-regarded series. And among other retooled elements, Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson are rumored to have been hired to reprise their roles of Karen Page and Foggy Nelson, key members of the Daredevil ’s supporting cast.

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