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‘The Simpsons’ and ESPN Are Turning NFL Monday Night Football’s Cowboys-Bengals Game Into A Wild, Untamed Animated Version: What to Expect and Where to Watch

As "The Simpsons" takes over NFL Monday Night Football's Cowboys-Bengals game, here's what to expect and where to watch.

From that wrap-around, which includes a half-time cartoon segment as well, the ESPN production team has created thousands of different computer-generated moments featuring the citizens of Springfield, all of which will be peppered throughout the broadcast. “The ESPN producers really have the attitude of, ‘we’re going to work 24 hours a day’ to jam into as much ‘Simpsons’ content into this CGI football game as can possibly be done,” Selman said. “There’s all these fun, surprising pre-tapes that it’s up to the seasoned NFL ESPN producers to know when to insert those into the game during commercial breaks and timeouts and stuff like that,” he added.

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