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‘Mickey 17’ Review: A Dopey Robert Pattinson Is Dying to Make You Laugh in ‘Parasite’ Director’s Disappointing Follow-up

Korean director Bong Joon Ho's third English-language movie recycles the dark look and blunt satire of 'Snowpiercer' and 'Okja.'

Pattinson has traversed deep space before, doing so in Claire Denis’ relatively elegant arthouse feature “High Life.” Here, the star dumbs it down to suit Bong’s big-budget grunge-topian vision, playing a sucker so desperate to escape a ruthless loan shark on Earth that he books passage on a missionary vessel to another planet, accidentally enrolling in the Expendables program without reading the fine print. Ergo, in order to appreciate “Mickey 17” — which Warner Bros. will release on Imax March 7, two weeks after its Berlin Film Festival premiere — you need to be comfortable with laughing at all the cruel and unusual ways Bong thinks to off him, from vaccine tests to sampling the air on an unknown planet. This plot is easy enough to follow, though the film insists on making it more complicated, as Ruffalo’s character (whom he plays with wavy Colonel Sanders hair, bright white dentures and an inconsistent accent) grows increasingly tyrannical the farther from Earth his mission floats.

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Robert Pattinson

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