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‘Look at Me Like a Human Boy!’
An oral history of Clifford, the 1994 cult comedy about a deranged little boy played by Martin Short.
Itendured someofthemostnegativereviews a film could ever hope to avoid; in a half-star pan that declared the movie “irredeemably not funny,” Roger Ebert wrote that there was “something extraterrestrial about it, as if it’s based on the sense of humor of an alien race with a completely different relationship to the physical universe.” He was, at the time, part of Rollins, Joffe, Morra, and Brezner, which was a management group that represented the lion’s share of the great comedic talents in the United States: Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Martin Short. After a string of hits in the mid-1980s by directors like Paul Verhoeven, Jonathan Demme, Milos Forman, and Woody Allen, Orion endured a disastrous series of flops in 1989 and 1990, forcing it to shut down its production arm, sell off various properties, and eventually go into bankruptcy.
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