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'I own Europe's most haunted house but I'm too terrified to stay overnight'

A homeowner in Wales has revealed he doesn't sleep in his own home anymore, thanks to the restless spirit of a Tudor monk, believed to be existing underneath the property

After snapping up a notorious haunted house to produce a spine-chilling flick, filmmaker Bil gifted horror buffs the ultimate thrill - sleepovers at the eerie pad for just £75 per spooky night. Bil, originally from Isle of Dogs in East London, confessed: "People have to sign a waiver to go into the house, because I don't want to be responsible for anything that happens to them. There was no rest for the wicked when Bil touched base with one terror-stricken visitor, who replied: "I rang one of the lads and he said it wasn't what they was expecting and that it was a lot more scarier that what they thought."

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