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‘Don’t Worry, Sári’ Questions Familial Responsibilities and Urges One to Preserve Oneself

Hungarian filmmaker Sári Haragonics is in the advanced stages of a project piecing together how familial dynamics morph over time.

Producer Inez Mátis from the women-championing Pi Productions joined “Don’t Worry Sári” when László was already on board and said that the end result will be “a very emotional film,” providing opportunities to learn about family dynamics and relationships. “A few years after I made my first short, I realized that in a way, I’m continuing my mother’s role by trying to save all the male family members.” The director saw potential in this doubling and found it natural to make a film out of it. Instead of a monologue, the filmmaker prefers to call it “a kind of a dialogue with my mom, where I’m telling her about my inner feelings that are not really seen on the surface.” As a result, the film reflects on the discrepancies between one’s interior and exterior world.

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