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​David Attenborough's Mammals review: These ingenious animals make us humans look depressingly stupid, writes CHRISTOPHER STEVENS

CHRISTOPHER STEVENS: David Attenborough gave us the experience of living together with the animals in Mammals (BBC1).

A heightened sense of smell, though, was keeping packs of wolves alive in the Golan Heights, on the border of Israel and Syria, where the terrain is littered with landmines from the 1967 Six-Day War. Cameras following a trio of cheetahs hunting antelope in an African wildlife reserve panned around to reveal the reality of this conservation zone — safari jeeps, around 70 of them, crammed with tourists come to gawk. Young love of the weekend: Farmer Jamie told Matt Baker on Our Dream Farm (Ch4) that he knew future wife Mari was the girl for him when her small hands helped with a difficult lambing.

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