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54 Alien Creatures From the Scavengers Reign Bestiary, Ranked

Adorable critters, sentient geology, and other dangerous fauna.

There is this moment in “Vichnaya Pamyat,” the finale of the miniseries Chernobyl, when Stellan Skarsgård’s character has returned to the radiation zone, a place of death — and a tiny green inchworm crawls across his hand, proving that life and beauty still exist. The robot voiced by Shawkat is clearly an important character from the beginning because of how it’s being changed, physically and emotionally, by Vesta’s organic matter growing in its insides, and Hollow tearing it apart is an impetus for Azi to realize the depth of her feelings for her friend. How this creature has adapted to its environment makes it even more special: Ursula learns that it can vertically run up the inside of a tree trunk and climb above the canopy to reach the sky, and it has the ability to conduct heat and use it to cook prey.

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